
Military and Special Projects

TEDEM has gained broad skill and experience in special military projects, which require particular know-how, as well as integration of specific fields of expertise. All such projects require complex and close coordination with numerous agencies and bodies, including dealing with highly classified topics. In this manner, TEDEM has been acting as a chief consultant and designer in specially tailored projects, like:

  • Military training bases, including site development, access and internal roads, paved areas and facilities, all in accordance with USCE standards.
  • Special air force installations.
  • Border line security systems, based on fences and patrol roads with complementary security measures which involve application of multidisciplinary technologies.

Furthermore in the activity in this category, TEDEM has accumulated ample proficiency in the design of complex air and naval facilities which require specific expertise. Projects included under this category can be listed as:

  • Passenger and cargo terminals in naval ports, including: storage areas, internal operational road systems, heavy vehicles parking and maneuvering facilities, logistics installations.
  • Air landing strips, runways and heliports, including: site development, design of adjacent road systems, maneuvering and taxi paved areas, etc.


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